Karuah Public School hosted the first school-based Port Stephens Youyoong AECG face-to-face meeting since Covid-19 restrictions.
Our Aboriginal Dance Group opened the meeting with the Clearing Dance – performed to clear the meeting space of any negative energy. This was followed by the Burrellgigi – the lifecycle of a tree – accompanied by our amazing school dad and local Aboriginal community member Jamie McLennan. Finally, the children danced the Spirit Dance with Uncle Johnny Shultz and James Stanley to really deliver something special for our visitors.
Thank you also to our amazing Aunty Kellie and her just-as-amazing mum, Vickie, who catered with a homemade morning tea and lunch for everyone! Thank you to our very own Aunty Nicki who coordinated our mob to perform and our own special Aunty Pear who helped teach us how to weave our own special totem headpieces. Our children were so powerful – and PROUD.